


A guide to the complex world of social media




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5.1 Google responsive display ads

With responsive display ads, you can upload your assets (images, headlines, logos, videos, and descriptions), and Google will automatically generate ad combinations for websites, apps, YouTube, and Gmail. Responsive display ads can be used in Display campaigns.

5.2 Google display network

Display Ads serve visually engaging ads on the Google Display Network. The Display Network helps you reach people as they browse millions of websites, apps, and Google-owned properties (such as YouTube and Gmail).

5.3 Google search ads

Search Ads allow you to place ads across Google's vast network of search results. You can show ads to people actively searching online for your products and services.

5.4 Gmail ad

Gmail native ads help you connect with potential customers by showing them ads at the top of their inbox tabs. The ads can appear in either web or app environments on mobile and desktop devices. See previewing Gmail native ads for examples of how your ad will appear.

5.5 Google discovery single-image ad

Discovery Single-Image Ads let you share your brand's story with people across Google's feeds when they're open to discovering new products and services.

5.6 Google discovery carousel ad

Discovery Carousel or Multi-Image Ads let you share your brand's story with people across Google's feeds when they're open to discovering new products and services.